17-20 weeks pregnant

I'm not even sure if you all read my pregnancy blogs, but I continue to write them for those of you that might be familiar or curious.  Also, I share these to remind myself what a wild ride pregnancy is! For the 17-20th weeks of pregnancy, I felt so much better!  I had more energy... Continue Reading →

Yogi Diaries 5

Coming back to Yoga and Accepting YOUR journey... This week, I had a new woman come to my yoga class.  She was very kind and happy to be there, able to practice.  However, as soon as I walked in, she started talking about her body in a negative way and complaining of her physical capabilities. ... Continue Reading →

Transitioning to Veganism

If you follow my Instagram (@sarieberryfairy) you might have seen me mention my diet.  Mainly I use this social media platform for yoga, inspiration, and sharing my memories, but I also like to share more intimate and meaningful topics.  Currently, this has included my diet transitioning from vegetarian to vegan. For almost 9 full years,... Continue Reading →

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