Upcoming Events with Wildflower Yoga!

July is a busy month for Gadsden, Alabama and in the yoga community!!  There are several opportunities to learn the art of yoga and practice in different environments.  All classes taught by Sarie are open to ALL levels of yogis, ages, and genders.  There is no judgement or comparison, only space for breathing and love.... Continue Reading →

Letting Go

The other day on my Instagram story, I shared a situation I felt very strongly about.  During this story, I vented about how I disagree with the use of shock collars for pets. Here is what happened and my argument: I went into the bank to change my official name, and sat down with a... Continue Reading →

Happy Birthday Luna Mango!

Today is Luna Mango's fourth birthday! I cannot believe how much a tiny, little kitty has changed my life.  She is the sweetest little girl, just like her sister was. It is also very bittersweet; our sweetest puppy will celebrate her sister's and all the rest of her birthdays in Heaven. Looking through the stages... Continue Reading →

Feel your Feelings

Human beings are very complex and confusing creatures.  As I get older, I realize that there are constantly challenges that face me, and I wonder if I will ever have a grasp on my own being.  Finding my identity feels so close, yet not within arms length. I have always been the most emotional person... Continue Reading →

One night..

When I was a freshman in college, I had an experience with sexual assault.  I never thought I would be sharing this, for various reasons.  I think one of the main reasons I couldn't see myself sharing this trauma is because I couldn't admit it happened. I was not raped, beaten, bleeding, or severely injured.... Continue Reading →

Loss never really gets easier

My first grandparent passed away when I was in the sixth grade.  I remember it more clearly than the loss of my other grandparents, not because of his significance but because it was my first traumatic loss.  He had pancreatic cancer and passed away within 8 weeks of his diagnosis.  A few days after Christmas.... Continue Reading →

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